Cape Town Mayoral Candidate &Secretary-General of GOOD

The Cape Town that I know is home to millions of caring people who wholeheartedly support these noble objectives.
Millions of people who feel personally connected to the daily suffering, indignity and injustice of life on the proverbial wrong side of the tracks. People who would genuinely like to contribute to fixing the city.
It is home to many thousands of individuals across dozens and dozens of communities who demonstrated their warm heartedness by spontaneously rallying to feed hungry families,
forming Community Action Networks when the Covid-19 lockdown struck.
It is home to the embodiment of Ubuntu, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and a proud history of selflessness and courage during the anti-apartheid struggle.
These ingredients define a generosity of spirit.
They are the essence of the Mother City’s soul.
But, this is not the soul of the present city administration.
My mission is to restore trust and hope And Reconnect Our city government to the generous spirit of all who call cape town home